MECM & Intune Lab Links

‘Twas the night before #MMSMOA, when all thro’ the house, all sorts of nerdy creatures were stirring, especially a mouse. Hundreds of lucky attendees and speakers were giddy with excitement. What will we learn? Who will we meet? For some it’s their first time, for others it’s a family reunion. But one thing is certain. This is the biggest tech event of the year for all things endpoint management. A huge thank you to all the sponsors for making this event happen, especially Patch My PC for their continuous support of our profession and for their commitment to making the best damn patching product you could ever ask for! Let’s cut to the chase. DON’T F***ING TEST IN PRODUCTION THIS WEEK!!! You’ll make a lifetime of connections at an event like this, and you’ll also see a lifetime of shiny cool tricks all in 4 jam packed days of beer drinking and learning. USE A LAB! This week does not need to be a resume generating week. And if you’re not at MMS, you should still setup a lab just...