SCCM Global Condition for PC System Type (aka Application "Requirement")
Have you ever needed to deploy an Application just to a laptop or just to a desktop? The built-in Global Conditions in SCCM leave a lot of room for expansion and improvement. For this exercise, I'm going to show you how to make a Global Condition with a simple WMI query through WQL in order to deploy an Application to laptops (or other laptop like devices such as Surfaces, 2-in-1s, etc) only. Step one will be to create a Global Condition in SCCM for the Win32_ComputerSystem class with the PCSystemType property. Step two will be to create a requirement on the deployment type for our Application with this custom requirement looking for a value of 2 (mobile). Possible Enumeration Values for ROOT\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem\PCSystemType: 0 - Unspecified 1 - Desktop 2 - Mobile 3 - Workstation 4 - Enterprise Server 5 - SOHO Server 6 - Appliance PC 7 - Performance Server 8 - Maximum =================================== Step 1: Create a new Glo...